Tuesday, 24 May 2022

What is the key to breaking a bad habit ?

What is the key to breaking a bad habit

I have sure about the one good habit in your life.  it is anything in your life like you wake up early in the morning, read books daily, and exercise daily. many good habits in your life but many habits are viewed as good but they actually long a time bad effect on our life. 

one sign of a bad habit is the habit is not belied by you but belied automatic. I explain the habit like this using one example. Today people use social media it is the best example of a bad habit. when you used social media platforms at that time it looks like you enjoyed but you are wasting your time. 

habits are the part of over life. habits are a significant role play in life. habit is a small thing but has a big impact on our life.

habits affect mental health.

Importation of Habits in the life

ever people who have already succeeded in life because they have followed many Good Habits.  Habits help to improve focus on daily work. Every day you try sem think you have a master on it. 

Habits diside your charecter. for good charecter choose good Habist.

habit example

habit example is to help you to find the good and bad habits in your life. 

Bad Habits 

  • Watching Too Much TV
  • Eating Too Much Red Meat
  • Eating Junk Food 
  • Being in Bad Relationships
  • Smoking
  • Nail Biting

Good Habits 

  • Be a regular reader
  • Be punctual
  • Strive for excellence
  • Respect the environment
  • Manage money wisely
  • Never give up!
  • Practice gratitude
  • Learn to exercise
  • Eat a healthy diet

Methode to build good habits

the easiest way to build good habits is the divide your taste into small parts in the early stages. like you have goto running in the morning for 1 hover. fist you state running for only 5 minutes. after the slowly increased the time of running. this technique helps you to build small habits in life. one's you build small habits then convert into large habits. 

In this technique, you have less quit for the task. 

Books to help build good habits

one habit to help to break bad habits

 I have shared with you one powerful habit to help you to build good habits. this habit is the pay for your self not for the expensive things. this habit helps you to grow daily. this habit improves your knowledge and thinking. the meaning of this habit is to learn something, read daily, and enjoy your work.