Tuesday, 21 June 2022

how to stop procrastination

 before stopping procrastination let's have some knowledge about what is procrastination? , how to affect procrastination in life?

how to stop procrastination

What is procrastination?

basically, procrastination is postponing and delaying your imported work it is just procrastination. procrastination is the one larger optical for over success. An example of procrastination is the one man who has decided to wake up at 6 AM. but morning at 6 AM he thinks sleep 10 minutes more. that 10 minutes more is the procrastination. he decided to wake up at 6 AM but every day he does not wake up at 6 AM because of the procrastination.

How to affect procrastination in life?

procrastination is easily affected in life. but sometimes we didn't find procrastination in life. they are 4 types of procrastination Worrier, Perfectionist, Over-Doer, and Crisis Maker.

procrastination first type Worrier

In this type of procrastination, we have fear of failure. when you start an imported task but don't believe I compiled it. At this stage, you have tole your self  " I not won, I not completed, this is impossible for me".

procrastination second type of Perfectionist

we have one big myth about success " success always starts with perfection". many times people do not start their work or business because their not perfect for business or work.

procrastination first type Over-Doer

people have success meaning "I do multitasking". you are not multitasking but you invite procrastination in your life. when you multitask that time only one task is not completed by you, the time you file anxiety. this anxiety creates procrastination in your life. 

procrastination first type Crisis Maker

many people have the wrong habit to complete the task. like without any pressure they do not start the task. this call for last-minute action. you have completed one project in 30 days but you start a project on the 20th day. but as comper to the 10 days project or 30 days project which one is more valuable. also, 30 days project is valuable because more time you give to imported things like research, documentation, and many more.

How to stop procrastination

you can stop procrastination in many ways but here we are talking about Focus Your Attention.

this method is hard to apply in your life so you can also read 21 methods of stopping procrastination.

Focus Your Attention

attention is the key factor in any task. one two students in one class. the first student failed the exam but the second student is first in the class. bout have sem teacher, sem classroom, sem time school, sem book but why one is failed and one is first in the class.

that answer is the student is first in the class his attention is focused on studying. but the student is failed that attention is dived with many other things.

the attention is a powerful comper to give much time.

when you work on one task at that time avoid other destruction or disturbance. like check e-mail, social media, and talk with someone.

human is not for multitasking. multitasking is not smart work. when you multitask is not multitasking you only switch your attention.

you have increased your productivity using one task at a time.

you more read about this topic you must read Eat That Frog 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating book.

you are really excited to stop procrastination that you must take action to stop procrastination. only read about how to stop procrastination you can not stop procrastination.

you must read the Eat That Frog 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating this book is help you to stop your procrastination and increase your productivity.