Wednesday, 28 September 2022

The Paris Apartment

Reviews About The Paris Apartment 

In THE PARIS APARTMENT, compendiums follow Jess, a youthful woman who has just arrived to Paris from England. The trip was hastily- planned when we meet her, Jess has just gotten herself in some trouble at the dive bar where she works in England, and her family Ben- and his Parisian apartment- is her escape plan. But from the moment Jess arrives in Paris, effects are n’t as they should be. Ben is n’t answering his phone, leaving Jess to sneak into the apartment structure on her own in the middle of the night. And when she eventually does make it to his apartment itself, she finds it empty.

The Paris Apartment

 Ben is nowhere to be set up, and his neighbors in the posh apartment structure where he lives are harmful and unfriendly at best, suspicious and minatory at worst. As the hours pass and Ben does n’t return, Jess becomes decreasingly terrified. What has happed to Ben? And could it have commodity to do with his neighbors? Alone and decreasingly hysterical for her family’s good, Jess sets out on her own disquisition into Ben’s exposure — and, along the way, discovers herself drawn into a web of conspiracy and peril.

Details About The Paris Apartment 

Book The Paris Apartment
Author Lucy Foley
Language English
Publication date 2022
Kindle Edition,

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