Saturday, 14 May 2022

Why do millionaires read books?

first not start with why do millionaires read books? . Lest took about the knowledge about books.

the book helps us to find solutions to question. Not only for over solutions but also for learning, entertainment, self-development, Education, and many more fields books help us. 

But which books are changed over life? I explain this with one example.

lest assume one student. he started reading the books. simple think which book he read first ? also read entertainment or historical books. but start reading books like money management, how to invest money.

I know you are shocked why I am saying students do not read a money management book because look the students do not go to jobs or not earn money. that is not the right time to read the financial books.

when you are a student the best book you read is a self-development book or hight successful men's biography.

I explain this thing millionaires do when they read books. they always read that type of book that is increased their knowledge, incarnate to achieve their goals, change their thinking, and learn new skills.

the common thing that all millionaires are their read 2  books per month. not only read books but learn something from the book.

Now you can start reading like millionaires. 

list of books you read to become the next millionaires :

  • The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene - read
  • Tools of Titans The Tactics - read
  • the alchemist - read
  • deep work - read
  • Finish What You Start  by Peter Hollins - read
  • Atomic Habits Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results by James Clear - read
  • Goals How to Get Everything You Want--Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by Brian Tracy - read
  • Shoe Dog A Memoir by the Creator of Nike by Phil Knight - read
  • The Four The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google by Scott Galloway - read
  • The Millionaire Fastlane Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime. by MJ DeMarco - read